Thursday, 20 September 2018

Follow Through Phase

In the follow-through phase, I still need to contract certain segments. To make sure my shot is effective I need to contract my smaller muscles in my arm. I can see that I am following the principle of sequencing because my arm muscles are contracting the which are the smaller muscle.

While moving from the execution phase to the follow through phase both my Shoulder and Elbow joints are working. My shoulder joint is extending, therefore, the agonist's muscle is my latissimus dorsi and the agonist pectoralis major. My elbow joint is extending ,therefore, the agonist's muscle is my triceps and the antagonist muscle relaxing in this movement is biceps.

In the follow through phase balance and stability is still important to producing a well executed shot. To be balanced in this phase I need to make sure that my two feet are on the surface creating a good base of support. Also my center of gravity is inside my body which means that I am balanced.
The similarities I can see in my balance and stability is both of our feet are on the surface that we are balanced.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Execution Phase

In the execution phase, I still need to contract as many segments as possible to generate maximum force. As well as using my lower body segments, I also need to contract my upper body muscles in my Basketball Shot. In order to generate maximum force, I need to follow a sequence contracting my larger muscle to my smaller muscle. I can see that I am following the principle of sequencing because my knee is extending and putting force from my larger muscles to my arms.

While in the execution phase the joints that are being used are my ankle, knee, hip. While moving from the preparation phase to the execution phase these joint movements are changing. I can see my hip joint is extending. The agonist muscle contracting to extend my hip is the gluteus maximus, and my antagonist's muscle is my quadriceps. Also, my knees are extending, therefore, my antagonist contracting muscle is my quadriceps and my antagonist's muscle is my hamstrings. Both our knee and toes are extending. 

The execution phase I am using Newton's 2nd law. Newton's second law states When a force is applied to an object it will move in the direction of the force being applied and will accelerate at a rate dependent upon. I can see that I am creating force by flexing my knees as far as possible in the preparation phase. The more I bend my knee the more force I create to throw the ball further.
In the execution phase, balance and stability are important to produce a well-coordinated shot. To be balanced my center of gravity has to be inside your body. Center of gravity is defined as the point at which all points are equally balanced. I can see in my picture that my center of gravity is in my body, therefore, I'm balanced. Also, I know I am balanced because of my two feet are on the ground and that means I know I'm balanced because of my stable base of support.


Monday, 3 September 2018

PE 1.1 Logs

Log 1 - Ki O Rahi

The last term of the week during our game of Ki O Rahi the factors that influenced my participation was challenge, fun and enjoyment.

Challenge influenced my participation because I didn't do that game because we played the game most of the time and my teacher challenges me to be involved in the game. Mr. England made me try harder because he wanted me to get high marks that I need for my standard And fun and enjoyment made me enjoy the Ki O Rahi even better.

Fun and enjoyment influenced my participation because I knew that it would be fun and enjoyable. Everyone enjoy it and got involved in it and it made Ki O Rahi fun. This sport but it challenges me to don't give up if I don't like the game I play and get even involved.

Log 2 - Island Ball

Last Tuesday during our game of island ball the two factors that influenced my participation were Sense of Achievement and Pushes the body to physical and/or mental limits.

Pushes the body to physical and/or mental limits influenced my participation because I enjoy pushing myself to be the best and become fitter. Therefore in the island ball, I was always active doing something for the team I was in.

The sense of Achievement influenced my participation because I knew I would feel good about myself helping my teammates get scores and stopping the other team from coming to my island.

Log 3 - King dodgeball

Last Friday during our game of king dodgeball the two factors that influenced my participation were Challenge and Fun and enjoyment.

Challenge influenced my participation because I enjoy challenging myself to become fitter and healthier. Therefore in the game King Dodgeball I was always marking someone to throw the ball at. And I always told my teammates to always mark someone to throw the ball at.

Fun and enjoyment influenced my participation because I knew I will enjoy the game King Dodgeball and always actively having fun. I have fun by seeing my teammates laughing and smiling at each other that's what made the game enjoyable.

Log 4 - Kickball

Last Friday during our game of Kickball the two factors that influenced my participation was Sense of achievement and Challenge.

Challenge influenced my participation because I have been challenging myself during our game kickball and it has been very fun to be able to challenge myself to play well and enjoy the game. Therefore I've been challenging them to fill the gaps and catch the ball to be able to eliminate players. I challenged myself to give feedback to my peers to make the game more enjoyable.

The sense of achievement influenced my participation because it had me in a position that I knew I should achieve and I really enjoy playing kickball. When I was playing hard and in a winning position it made me feel good about myself.

Log 5 - Multisports

Last Friday during the game that I have prepared is Multisports and the two factors that influenced my participation was Fun and  Enjoyment and Challenge.

Fun and Enjoyment influenced my participation because it had me have fun and enjoy the game we played called multi-sports. Therefore I've been having fun by everyone playing fairly and enjoying multi-sports. I have been showing that I can control and have fun by giving the equipment back to me nicely.

Challenge has influenced my participation by challenging myself to control the game I've prepared called multi-sports. It was challenging but I really enjoyed it classmates playing fairly and everyone participating to play multi-sports. It was challenging because I had to control the whole game. They made it challenging for me because I had to tell how many teams members going to play and telling them to sit down quick as possible and it made me work harder because I wanted to show I can do it alone but I made sure that I did what to overcome the challenge.

Log 6 Turbo touch

Last Friday during our game of Turbo touch the two factors influenced my participation was Challenge and Sense of achievement.

Challenge has influenced me by challenging myself to control how I play and how I act it really has challenged me because I played a little angry so it really challenges me a lot to control my attitude. Therefore I have helped my team by communicating by telling my teammates to don’t be offside also fill the gaps where they will run in.

The sense of achievement has influenced my participation by knowing that I achieved what I can achieve. Also, I knew that I was achieving Turbo touch by demonstrating encouragement and teamwork among my group of team members. Therefore this made me feel good about myself.